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Who am I ?

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Alexandre Ben Othman is a skilled Product Designer and Product Owner based in Paris, France, specializing in web, mobile, software, and object design.
He holds a Master in Digital Design (User Experience) from ICAN, obtained in 2022, where he developed strong expertise in UX/UI, design thinking, and prototyping.
Currently, Alexandre works at AlumnForce, where he leads user interviews, workshops, and designs product features.
He is passionate about creating innovative, user-centered digital products.
With experience in web design, UX research, and project management, he is committed to enhancing user experiences through thoughtful design.
When do we start ?

My skills

Among these, the majority will be useful to you.


User research


User Questionnaires


User interview


UX Workshop


Creation of personas


Design System


Mockups & Prototypes


Motion Design


Projet Management


Web development


Graphic design


and more...

My employers

My employers have all contributed to my experience. To learn more about them, click on the logos.


Mevia / AlumnForce is a French web agency offering a private social network type service, intended for structures such as schools or associations wishing to allow exchanges between their members (mainly students and alumni). This service also offers CRM-type functions to allow the teams of these structures to manage their communication.


Mevia / AlumnForce is my employer since February 2021.
I hold the position of Product Designer / Product Owner.


• Scrum Agile methodology
• Requirements gathering: Interviews, Co-design workshops, Questionnaires
• User research : User Stories, Personas, Workflows, Functional specifications
• Interfaces design : Wireframes, UI Design, Prototyping, and UX Writing
• Design review with product team
• Design testing : Achieved objectives, emotions analysis, and report writing
• Workshops with the technical team: Refinement sessions, Development subdivision
• Design system : Creation/standardization of components, documentation writing

Company website:


The Fondation CGénial is a recognized public utility organization, whose objective is to promote scientific studies and careers among middle and high school students. Through concrete actions, 10,000 students are made aware of this theme each year.


The Fondation CGénial was my employer for 7 months: from February 2018 to July 2018, and from February 2019 to April 2019.
I held the positions of Meeting Coordinator and Web Project Manager.


• User testing (UX) of the new website
• Functional and graphic design of Back Office and matchmaking features
• Documentation of the Back Office and matchmaking (teacher - professionnals) features
• Content design for website and social media (Photos and Videos)

Organization website :


Epicture is a company specialized in software development for public services. I was assigned to work on Réseau des Communes, a product specializing in distribution of web services - website, intranet and ticketing. Its clientele is exclusively made up of local authorities (rural municipalities, communities of municipalities) and local associations.


Epicture was my employer for 8 months: from February 2020 to October 2020.
I held the position of UI Designer.


• Kanban methodology
• Website showcase design and client CMS
• Client CMS UX study: Client feedback report, User testing...
• Logo design and Graphic charter : Réseau des Communes and Ediflex
• Stationery design: catalog, business cards, company documentation

Company website:


The Institut national de la propriété industrielle - known as the INPI - is a public body in charge of developing and enforcing the intellectual property code. It provides title deeds for all patents, trademarks, designs and models of companies in France.


The INPI was my employer for 1 week in February 2020. I had to resign from my duties to join the Réseau des Communes team.
Attached to the editorial staff of the Documentary Bulletin, I occupied the post of Webmaster in charge of content.


• Testing and proposals for improving certain features of the new site dedicated to the Documentary Bulletin
• Anonymization of decisions on corporate disputes

Organization website :


Webdentiste is a company specializing in services for dental practices. It offers a multitude of communication tools for the liberal professions: setting up and maintaining websites, graphic design services, programs for waiting rooms and a magazine.


Webdentiste was my employer for 11 months: from April 2015 to August 2015, and from January 2016 to July 2016.
I held the position of Web Designer.


• Kanban methodology
• Maintenance of client websites (HTML / CSS / jQuery)
• Design of mobile website mockups and catalogs
• Stationery design for corporate brand guidelines

Company website: