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© Alexandre Ben Othman · 2023 | This website color changes !

Alexandre Ben Othman

UX/UI Designer - Web, Mobile, Softwares and Objects

Who am I ?

Profile picture of a nice looking man in dark

Curious and passionate of design.
My training made me discover the ergonomics problematics.
My hindsight allows me to solve them.
When do we start ?

My skills

Among these, the majority will be useful to you.


User research


User Questionnaires


User interview


UX Workshop


Creation of personas


Design System


Mockups & Prototypes


Motion Design


Projet Management


Web development


Graphic design


and more...

My employers

My employers have all contributed to my experience. To learn more about them, click on the logos.

and a quick passage to


Mevia / AlumnForce is a French web agency offering a private social network type service, intended for structures such as schools or associations wishing to allow exchanges between their members (mainly students and alumni). This service also offers CRM-type functions to allow the teams of these structures to manage their communication.


Mevia / AlumnForce is my employer since February 2021.
I hold the position of Product Designer / Product Owner.


• Design of new features for the AlumnForce product and evolutions of existing features
• Organization of customer workshops to understand the needs of end users
• Organization and monitoring of projects under design / development (including QA phase)
• Implementation and evolution of the Design System with design and writing of documentation
• Writing of the documentation for using the components
• Organization of Discovery procedures for the product team

Company website:


The Fondation CGénial is a recognized public utility organization, whose objective is to promote scientific studies and careers among middle and high school students. Through concrete actions, 10,000 students are made aware of this theme each year.


The Fondation CGénial was my employer for 7 months: from February 2018 to July 2018, and from February 2019 to April 2019.
I held the positions of Meeting Coordinator and Web Project Manager.


• Organization of interventions by engineers and technicians in schools
• Edition of new communication documents
• Realization of promotional videos
• UX / functional test of the new website and proposal of solutions
• Publication and updating of content on the website

Organization website :


Epicture is a company specialized in software development for public services. I was assigned to work on Réseau des Communes, a product specializing in distribution of web services - website, intranet and ticketing. Its clientele is exclusively made up of local authorities (rural municipalities, communities of municipalities) and local associations.


Epicture was my employer for 8 months: from February 2020 to October 2020.
I held the position of UI Designer / Web Integrator.


• Redesign of the Réseau des Communes product website
• Content management of this same website
• Graphic guidelines for Réseau des Communes and Ediflex products
• UX improvement of tools dedicated to customers and internal tools

Company website:


The Institut national de la propriété industrielle - known as the INPI - is a public body in charge of developing and enforcing the intellectual property code. It provides title deeds for all patents, trademarks, designs and models of companies in France.


The INPI was my employer for 1 week in February 2020. I had to resign from my duties to join the Réseau des Communes team.
Attached to the editorial staff of the Documentary Bulletin, I occupied the post of Webmaster in charge of content.


• Testing and proposals for improving certain features of the new site dedicated to the Documentary Bulletin
• Anonymization of decisions on corporate disputes

Organization website :


Webdentiste is a company specializing in services for dental practices. It offers a multitude of communication tools for the liberal professions: setting up and maintaining websites, graphic design services, programs for waiting rooms and a magazine.


Webdentiste was my employer for 11 months: from April 2015 to August 2015, and from January 2016 to July 2016.
I held the position of Webmaster.


• Maintenance of client websites
• Creation of mock-ups for mobile sites
• Edition of catalogs
• Graphic services for clients (catalog)
• Assembly of waiting room loops and video tutorials

Company website:

My projects

Take a look on somme of my projects

Au Fil de l'Eau

Restaurant - ICAN - 2021


Au Fil de l'Eau is a new kind of parisian Bateaux-Mouches restaurant, emphasizing the intimate experience of discovering Paris from the Seine.

This project included the foolowing phases : #Benchmark #Questionnaire #Personas #UserJourney #Prototyping #MotionDesign

Person Persona 1 (in french) Person Persona 2 (in french) Person Persona 3 (in french)

A personal table on the Seine river

After booking a table months in advance, a couple heads to the banks of the Seine, near the storefront of Au Fil de L'Eau, a typically parisian restaurant.

A personal pod on the Seine river

The couple embarks in their pod. Their trip is programmed according to the menu they have chosen when making their reservation.

Follow and personalize the journey

The pod offers an interactive porthole, allowing the couple to access additional features: interactive map, call to waiters, parking request and choice of background music.

The best table, the best dishes

The pod will stop in the course to serve the meal. Starters, main courses and desserts come from the best parisian restaurants along the Seine river.

Parisian Reverie

The couple will have the chance to enjoy their meal while contemplating the most beautiful monuments of Paris. All of this is aimed at providing them with an unforgettable experience.

This project was carried out as part of the ICAN course - Master in Digital Experience Design. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Made with Ashley Sourdeval and Blandine Talbot

Art Nov Est Publishing

1st year Master UX project - 2021


ArtNovEst is a fictionnal publishing company proposing a new kind of digital books. Its main themes are about art. As for the works of Van Gogh, the goal of this 1-day project was to propose a new kind of immersive reading media. And it begins with the user interface of the library...

This project included the foolowing phases : #Prototyping #MotionDesign

Build Your Gaité

2nd year Master UX project - 2022


The Build Your Gaité project - abbreviated BYG - is the result of a partnership with the Gaité Lyrique, great Parisian cultural institution. This application proposes to redefine the layout of certain rooms, with the particularity of being able to discover and build one's own Gaité in an immersive experience in Augmented Reality.

This project included the foolowing phases : #Benchmark #Questionnaire #Interviews #Personas #UserJourney #3DModeling #Prototyping

Person Persona 1 (in french) Person Persona 2 (in french)

A 3D blank page

Scan one of the QR codes and enter a blank template of the room where you are. Explore this room to discover edit possibilities

Place furnitures

In the catalog, choose the furnitures to use, custom it with your colors and materials, and place it directly in the romm

Color walls and floors

Choose your favorites colors and patterns, and color room surfaces with it.

Create and edit existing places

Use all the tools to express yourself in common rooms. Paint surfaces with your patterns and add custom furnitures

A community based gallery

Share your work and discover that of the BYG community had created. Choose a project, check its info and test it.

smartphone Test the project [in FRENCH]

This project was carried out as part of the ICAN course - Master in Digital Experience Design. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Made with Gaelle François, Sarah Vaillant-Deflandre and Leslie Valentin


Recruiting Mediation Project - ICAN - 2022


Disatalk is a game proposing to recruiters to get informations about workers disabilities throught a Visual Novel. The player takes place as a recruiter who is interviewing the character.

This project included the foolowing phases : #Benchmark #Interviews #Personas #UserJourney #Prototyping #MotionDesign

Person Persona (in french)

Choose the profile to interview

Following the filling in of his preferences (sector of activity, desired profile, etc.), the user will be able to choose from candidates corresponding to his expectations. Each one of this candidates got a different disability, and the user can choose one of them to understand their condition.

Explore the resume

Like a real job offer, the user discover the candidate resume and can choose if he/she wants to have an interview with him/her.

The interview

Like a real interview, the user ask some questions to the candidate to get informations more information about him/her and the needs for his/her disability.

Unlock notes

Trougth this discussion, the user unlocks facts about the candidate disability. This fact helps the user to understand what kind of organization is necessary to welcome the future worker.

Get more external content

Trougth this discussion, the user unlocks media to discover later. This media can be : videos, photos, or external links to articles or associations related to the candidate disability.

This project was carried out as part of the ICAN course - Master in Digital Experience Design. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Made with Blandine Talbot and Thanh Khiet Bang Nguyen


Inclusion device - ICAN - 2022


Emoson is aN inclusion project aimed at people who have difficulty recognizing emotions - particularly people with ASD. It a wearable device that recongnize emotions during conversations and send the information to the

This project included the foolowing phases : #Benchmark #Questionnaire #Interviews #Personas #UserJourney #Prototyping #3DModeling #SoundDesign #MotionDesign

Person Persona 1 (in french)

A wearable device

The device is composed of a small camera and a single bone conduction headphone, and is held by a headband. If the user wear glasses, it can be directly attached to a leg.

Reading emotions

This device must be linked to the smartphone. During a conversation, the device send informations to the smartphone for emotion analysis of the interlocutor. When the emotion is recognised, a 2 / 3 seconds music is playing to inform the user without interuptting the conversation.

A personalised experience with the companion app

The Emoson companion app has two uses : link the device to the smartphone and change the use. Based on university researchs on emotions shared by music, we designed a library a sound for users. It can be personalized depending on user tastes.

This project was carried out as part of the ICAN course - Master in Digital Experience Design. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Made with Ashley Sourdeval and Maelys Laine


Bookstore and reading app - ICAN - 2021


Narratio is a new kind of book buying and reading service. Explore new possibilities with an immersive and haptic reading experience.

This project included the foolowing phases : #Benchmark #Questionnaire #Interviews #Personas #UserJourney #Prototyping #MotionDesign

Person Persona 1 (in french) Person Persona 2 (in french)

A thematic bookstore

The bookstore offers a number of thrillers, adventure and horror novels. These themes are characterized by strong emotions they can share with the reader.

Haptic wristband

Thanks to this device, the reader will be able to feel and be invested in the story.

A new way to read

With music, sound effects and animations, let yourself be carried by literary classics and by new original stories - designed for this kind of experience.

This project was carried out as part of the ICAN course - Master in Digital Experience Design. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Made with Gaelle François and Hélène Leboeuf-Raymond

In progress - 2024

This project is in progress

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